- (256) 367-2684
- 917 Venson Street Woodville, AL 35776
All orders are shipped promptly from a distributor warehouse or in-store inventory within 3 - 10 business days using UPS, FedEx, or USPS. Tracking numbers are available for items shipped via UPS and FedEx. Shipping is generally not performed on the weekends or on all Federal Holidays.
There are some items that our distributor warehouses consider restricted and will not ship directly to a customer (i.e., upper receivers, etc.). In those cases, the item will be shipped to our store and then shipped to you. You will not be charged any additional shipping charges, if this occurs.
For product orders with a value of $100 or more (excluding shipping and taxes), shipping is free for most orders. Some items have additional shipping costs that are not covered by the free shipping (i.e., oversized and overweight items). These items are identified in the descriptions. All other orders ship for a $10 shipping and handling fee.
There are some areas within the United States of America where certain restricted items cannot be shipped (i.e., high-capacity magazines, defense sprays, automatic knives, stun guns, knuckles, police batons, etc.). These areas include, but are not limited to: portions of Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. Exceptions are made as local laws permit (proper ID may be required at the time of purchase).
In many circumstances, orders that are placed with a shipping address that is not authorized by the credit card issuer are subject to shipping delays, verification communications, and/or cancellation. Additionally, orders that are shipped to an address other than the authorized billing address are subject to shipping delays and verifications. In situations where the validity of an order cannot be confirmed or fraud is suspected, the order will be cancelled.
All items purchased from this site are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier. We insure all shipments and should a loss or damage occur in transit, we will file a claim on your behalf. Claim outcomes are not guaranteed. Buyers shall waive their rights to a credit card chargeback in the event of items lost or damaged during shipment.